Click on the links below for more information on politics and issues in Alaska.
Government & Politics
State of Alaska
State Legislature
Office of Governor Bill Walker
Office of Lt. Governor Byron Mallott
AK Democratic Party
AK Republican Party
Voting Information
Language Assistance
National Congress of American Indians Get Out The Native Vote
Native Corporations
Ahtna, Inc.
The Aleut Corporation
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Bering Straits Native Corporation
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Calista Corporation
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Inc.
NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.
Sealaska Corporation
News Resources
KNBA 90.3 FM
Alaska Native Professional Association (ANPA)
First Alaskans Institute
Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)
Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Alaska Native Language Center
Alaska Native Curriculum Project
The CIRI Foundation
Alaska Native Heritage Center